
Friday 13 November 2009

13/11/2009: Sungai Burung (Penang)

I had a little break from work and did a short excursion to this locality.

I came across a pair of Brahminy Kites quartering low above the ground. Their presence caused quite a panic among the smaller birds foraging at the paddy fields.

Only the feral Rock Pigeons continued to feed and totally disregard the raptors' hunt.

There were only a small number of Pond-herons present in the vicinity today. Maybe the rest of them are foraging in other sections of the paddy fields.

A small family of Scaly-breasted Munias were feeding on grass seeds just next to the access road. I couldn't really get a clear shot due to the dense vegetation and the constant movement of the birds.

There were a few Baya Weavers foraging in the same vicinity as well...

As there was nothing particularly exciting about, I took some shots of the common residents to keep myself occupied. This Common Myna seems to agree that it is a good idea...

And so did the ever-present White-throated Kingfisher...

The same goes for this Pacific Swallow...Thanks, fellas...

The Blue-tailed Bee-eaters were hawking for insects from their usual vantage points - the surrounding electrical cables.

This Common Sandpiper was so preoccupied with hunting on the side of the access road that it totally ignored my approaching vehicle.

Well, you better be careful as danger lurks beyond the next bend...

The huge Monitor Lizard took its time to cross the road despite my presence. It gave me a chance to take a close-up shot of the head.

Another reptile that caught my attention was this striking Garden Fence Lizard.

I tried to capture it from another angle but it became defensive and reduce the intensity of its colours to try and blend into the surroundings.

On my way back, I came across a pair of Crested Mynas foraging along the road that cuts through the Relau Hills. This introduced species is the common rare bird of Penang as it is only abundant in my home state.


  1. Each one of your photos today is a prize winner. Almost too many to appreciate each one! I look forward to returning to this post several times to take it all in. Great work! Wilma
