
Saturday 19 December 2009

19/12/2009: Penanti (Penang)

The weather was slightly under when I reach the barren lands at Penanti - barren to common folks that is but... rich and fertile to birders like yours truly. I wanted to try my luck with the Pied Cuckoo that was seen here last week by Chien which is a new record for Malaysia. Anyway, there were no signs of the cuckoo but the other residents were out and about despite the slight drizzle like this Paddyfield Pipit.

A Spotted Dove was also waiting for the weather to improve...

The Red-wattled Lapwings filled the vicinity with their alarm calls at the sight of my vehicle as usual. Gradually, they settled down and seemed to be quite in the mood to be photographed...

Well, most of them anyway. If looks could kill...Ok, buddy...I'll leave you in peace...

Could it be? I guess not...Not when you're so tame and have white-coloured hens following you around. After the false alarm with this domestic fowl, I decided to try the other Penanti locality to see if there is anything interesting waiting there for me.

Upon my arrival, there was not much on the grasslands except for a flock of extremely wary Pacific Golden Plovers.

This foraging Greater Coucal was quite tolerant of my presence but the dense vegetation prevented me from capturing images that are not slightly blocked...

And the reason for its boldness - breakfast!

And talking about breakfast, I also came across a small flock of Pink-necked Pigeons feasting on fruits among the scrub vegetation.


  1. Love those lapwing photos! Great post.

  2. Good trip. Excellent photos of the Greater Coucal, usually they are very shy.

  3. very sharp and crisp photos, thumbs up.
