
Tuesday 21 September 2010

18/09/2010: Bukit Palong (Kedah)

Choo Eng and I decided to re-visit this locality after a very promising maiden trip. Despite another a good haul in terms of birding, photography opportunities were far and few. Last trip’s encounter with the Dusky Broadbills left a lasting impression on us and this time, the Black-and-yellow Broadbill provided the only highlight for the trip. A pair of these adorable little birds took very little notice of our presence and provided a much needed boost to the trip.

Although this species is quite striking, it tends to keep to the canopy level, taking full advantage of the cover provided by the foliage. I was truly elated when they decided to move to a lower perch and willingly posed for my camera.

Quite a number of migrating Fork-tailed Swifts were seen riding on the hot air thermals as they gradually make their way south for the winter.

As the migratory season is about to reached its climax, it is no surprise we found this migratory Tiger Shrike resting in the mid level of the forest.

With the birds being rather camera-shy today, I diverted my attention towards other wildlife that was present like this Giant Millipede.

The Gibbons were rather wary this trip unlike our previous encounter with them.

We also came across a Vine Snake on the prowl. Naturally, we took the time and effort to capture some images of this beautiful and graceful specimen.


  1. You'll never get tired of watching these adorable Black and Yellow...

  2. The broadbills are hard to beat. I love the way you captured the wave-like movment of the milliped legs. And the green snake just glows with color!

  3. Nice one Mun! If going again let me know,wanna check this place for migrating raptors. The snake is Ahaetulla prasina,green whip/vine snake.

  4. The Black-and-yellow Broadbill is so beautiful! I wish we could see such adorable birds in Hong Kong! Thanks for sharing!
