
Thursday 4 November 2010

04/11/2010: Batu Kawan (Penang)

I have not visited this area for quite a few years and one of the reasons for that is the rapid development that was sweeping through the area. However when a Lesser Adjutant was seen and photographed, that was as good a reason as for a visit. This particular area is made up of mudflats as well as marshlands and does have all the potential to spring some unexpected birding surprises.

The Lesser Adjutant was absent today but the area is no means not short of large water birds like this immature Grey Heron…

And Great Egret.

There quite a number of waders out on the mudflats but well beyond the reach of my camera. All was not lost as a few species did come close enough to keep me entertained like this confiding Lesser Sand-plover.

The Little Ringed Plover also provided some photographic opportunities.

This unfortunately Common Redshank has a deformed upper mandible.

It was the Pacific Golden Plover that really stood out from the rest of the waders today. Although this is not an uncommon species, it can be extremely shy and difficult to approach. But not today…

It is always a delight to observe waders pulling worms from the mud as portrayed by this individual.

When there’s an "input", there’s bound to be an "output" as well...

There were also a fair number of Wood Sandpipers but they still fall short in numbers and tameness when compared to their counterparts at Pulau Burung.

A total of 5 different species of kingfishers were recorded but I only managed to capture 3 of them. I missed out on the White-throated and Stork-billed Kingfisher. This is the ever-present Collared Kingfisher…

The ever-wary Black-capped Kingfisher…

And the ever-adorable Common Kingfisher…

A foraging Greater Coucal stroll across the access road and gave me a few seconds to capture some images before it disappeared into the vegetation.

A juvenile White-bellied Sea-eagle wrapped things up for this short reconnaissance trip and from the looks of things, I will definitely not wait a few years before my next visit.


  1. What a great catch from Batu Kawan, Wai Mun and your photos are just superb!

  2. Superb series Mun. I'm still waiting for this season's Common & BC Kingf.
