
Thursday 4 August 2011

30/07/11: Pulau Burung (Penang)

I decided to make a short visit to this locality although it is still a little too early for the migratory waterbirds. As I was making my into the site, I was greeted by a lone Brahminy Kite having some breakfast on one of the overhead electrical cables.

And just a short distance away was a Stork-billed Kingfisher on the very same cable. I guess the hunting must be good along this stretch.

Long-tailed Macaques are a common sight here especially along the mangroves. This mother and child are enjoying the warms rays of the sun after a rather chilly and wet dawn.

In the absence of the migrants, I focused my attention on the residents like this young adult Purple Heron. It is rather uncommon to see this species right in the open and I took full advantage of the situation and took as many shots as possible. Most of the images did not turn out as good as I was hoping for due to the poor lighting conditions.

The number of Little Grebes within the vicinity has increased due to the influx of young birds from this year’s breeding season.

I did come across a few early arrivals to this locality including this juvenile Little Ringed Plover.

On one of the side roads leading to the coast, which I shall christen Fantail Lane, has at least 5 Pied Fantail feeding the flies and other insects along the road. The insects were attracted by the rubbish and they provided an endless supply of food for these flycatchers. Three of the fantails, immatures of slightly different ages, were rather confiding. My stationery car soon became just a part of environment to them.

One of them even came as close as the base of my car tires…

A small flock of Baya Weavers caught my attention as they foraged along the tall grass. The males are showing signs of moult signaling the end of this year’s breeding season.


  1. A fantastic set of pictures.
    Interesting to see a few birds we get here amongst them too.

  2. Wont be long now for the next migratory season. Hope to see some surprises.

  3. The migrants has started to arrive..must check my backyard...maybe got some surprises..

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks all for your compliments.
