
Wednesday 23 November 2011

23/11/2011: Pulau Burung (Penang)

I just could not resist another short visit to this locality to check on all the scarce migrants that have been turning up here of late. However, the Garganey again provided only fleeting views before it disappeared into the dense vegetation. This duck is the main reason I am here today because our last encounter had left me yearning for more. I also dipped out on the White Wagtail that happens to be another first record for this locality. Although this species is not new to me, it has been a few years since my last sighting and still do not have any decent images of it yet. Luckily, all was not lost as the Little Stints came to the aid of a frustrated birder. Foraging on their now habitual patch of bare earth, these adorable little waders have provided excellent views to a number of birders including yours truly. After years of scrutinizing flocks of Red-necked Stints for possible Little Stints among them, now I can get to see them whenever I wish – at least for the time being.

A few Long-toed Stints were also foraging in the same vicinity and identification of this species is rather straight-forward when compared to the Little Stint.

It has been quite a while since I last photographed Blue-tailed Bee-eaters from close range. The clearing of the vegetation and natural perches along the edge of the marshlands which are part of the maintenance works is the most probable cause. When a few of them alighted just next to my stationery car, it felt like the good old days again and from the looks of things so far this season, it could well be.

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