
Tuesday 27 March 2012

Rail watching (24/03/2012)

The marshland at Pulau Burung, Penang is a haven for waterbirds and waterbird-loving birders as well. Here, the resident rails and crakes are more tolerant to human presence and it is certainly one of the best sites to observe them in their natural habitat. This morning, an exceptional tame Common Moorhen kept me company for a good hour or so.  Although the lighting was little harsh on this beautiful but sunny occasion, I did enjoy the encounter and happy with the images that I managed to obtain.

The White-browed Crakes were rather “visible” today and there was certainly plenty of scurrying movement along the long grasses caused by the crakes.

This parent bird was seen taking a lone fledgling out foraging. These must be a very exciting times for the little one as it explores the world a little more each day and learning the ways of life at the same time.

I came across another family of crakes but the youngster in this family is much older and will be able to obtain its adult plumage in the near future. Well, looks like it was another good breeding season for the crakes.

This Common Sandpiper may not be a rail but it gave me a pose that I found to be almost impossible to resist.


  1. Great captures! The reflection is my favourite.

  2. Lovely White-browed Crake shot.

  3. Really beautiful light with great settings you have! Love all the green grass and reflections. I don't get to see White-browed Crake very often, so I'm jealous of you a lot!

  4. Thanks, Ayuwat. We are ceryainly lucky to have this birding site in Penang.

  5. Good shots of the crakes and their world. Moorhens are difficult to photograph here, they are so shy and fast.

  6. Beautiful birds captured beautifully...nice to know the Crakes are doing well in P Burung...

  7. These are fantastic images... :)

    Angad Achappa
    Indian Wildlife Photography

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