
Friday 15 June 2012

An evening by the swamp (14/06/2012)

I decided to do a short visit to the swamp forest at the Air Hitam Dalam Forest Reserve in Penang as I was quite curious as how the upgrading construction works are getting along. The rotting wooden boardwalks are now being replaced by concrete ones. Although it loses the “wild” look, I feel that it is the right way to do it as the wooden ones will not last long. I have been birding at this locality since it first opened its “doors” to the public and that was back in 1996. Through the years, this locality has provided me countless memorable experiences. It has also gone through and endured a lot – including having a road cut right across the center. Despite all that, the birds are still there and this area still remains as one of the main birding locations in the state and my heart.

The Spotted Wood-owl is one of the many alluring residents that draw me and my fellow birders back here time and time again. Although it is a relatively large bird, it can remain undetected at times because it prefers to roost well hidden among the tall densely crowned trees.

The Crested Serpent-eagle is another predatory bird that calls this forest home and their piercing cries are very much a part of the sights and sounds here. 

Although the Greater Racket-tailed Drongo is quite a common bird, it still does it for me. Not only because of the racket tail but its “charming” personality as well. However, this subadult bird is little scruffy or it would have been a really nice capture.

Just who do you think you are calling scruffy? It has been a really rough day. That’s all.


  1. I love those piercing eyes of the Wood Owl; and that long tail on the Drongo.
    Great set.

  2. Penang seems to have plenty of owls.

  3. Yeah, all the birds and photos are brilliant but really love that owl. Great colours and expression.

  4. Yes, Ronnie. We are quite lucky for that.

    Thanks, Russell.

  5. Cool photo of the Spotted Wood Owl!
    Wish I can see it some day....

  6. Thanks, Ayuwat. I'm pretty sure that day will be soon as this species is not that uncommon, yet.

  7. Spotted Wood Owl is my favourite ....

  8. I like the pictures of the eagle and the owl very much. It can't have been easy to get those shots in a thick forest environment. Its good to have a place you consider to be a "local patch".
