This year, the Wild Bird Club Malaysia held their AGM at Changlun in
Perlis making it feasible for me to attend as it was not too far from home. The
meeting will commenced in the evening and together with a few other birders, we
decided to visit the neighbouring grasslands of Chuping for some birding in the
morning first.
This was my first excursion to the site this season and raptors
still rule the skies – much to my delight. This Oriental Honey Buzzard lazily
flapping across our field of view made me realize how much I miss this birding
hot spot.
It was a good day for raptors. Eurasian Kestrel, Pied Harrier,
Eastern Marsh Harrier, Black-shouldered Kite, Brahminy Kite, Changeable
Hawk-eagle, Osprey, Short-toed Eagle and Common Buzzard – that is a pretty
impressive list from a single site. However, good photographic opportunities were
certainly lacking. A recently fed Greater Spotted Eagle provided the best
raptor image for the day as it rode the thermals above us.

The grasslands of Chuping is one of the best places in Malaysia to
observe the Red-throated Pipit. It is a scarce migrant throughout the country
except for this site. Today, there were easily a hundred birds present. Despite
the big number, this pipit is usually wary of human presence and I have tried
countless times to try and capture good images through the years but without
success. It has an uncanny ability to disappear into its surroundings and you
will only realize its presence as it makes its getaway. However, on this
fateful day, a male decided not to behave like a Red-throated Pipit and
remained stationery long enough in the open for us to capture his image.

The Manchurian Reed Warbler also winters here in Chuping. This
species is one of the latest additions to the Malaysian checklist and still
rightfully holds a celebrity status. The call is usually the only indication of
its presence and decent views are hard to come by. It is not called a Reed
Warbler for nothing and it has perfected the art of hiding among this
vegetation. A 2-second windows was all it was willing to offer to have its
image taken but I finally have a shot of this little brown job that actually
resembled a bird.
Birding is not only about rarities. Not all the time anyway. The Barn
Swallow occurs here in the hundreds and their graceful sallies are a common sight
indeed. But a confiding individual in good lighting and against a smooth
background deserves some love and affection.

The AGM later that evening went smoothly but my thoughts were
distracted. Days before the AGM, news broke out of a Short-eared in Langkawi. From
Changlun, Langkawi was not all that far. This owl is a vagrant to our shores
and a lifer to most. Dave made his intentions clear about having a go at this
beautiful bird. And I, give in to temptations too easily – especially when it
comes to rare lifers. Dave, Wilbur and yours truly found ourselves on the first
ferry to Langkawi the next day. The only other way to get there is by air. That
made logistics an issue. It was a long weekend and this island being a popular
holiday destination is bound to be crowded. Luck was on our side as we managed
to rent what appeared to be the last car at the jetty. Anticipation was high as
we geared up for the hunt. I was anxious as well. This migratory season has not
being exactly kind to me - having to dip out on two consecutive twitches. What
hand will dear Mother Nature deal me this time?

The very first bird that grabbed our attention in this sweeping
landscape was a subadult Rosy Starling foraging among Common Mynas. This is
only my third ever sighting and I guess our target of the day will just have to
wait. It is not much of a looker when compared to the stunning adults but its scarcity
made it irresistible nevertheless.
It was a tedious 5-hour search. We tried everything that we could
think of. No bush was left unexplored and no stone unturned but the owl was no where
to be seen. Even when Sofian (the man who discovered the owl) came and helped
us search, it was to no avail. Having to be cautious of the herds of Water
Buffalos that were present and the blistering heat did not improve the
situation either. The Short-eared Owl is now my third successive dip out for a
mega rarity. Quoting the famous words of Col. George A. Custer it’s not how
many times you get knocked down; it’s how many times you get back up, I will
live to bird another day.

On a brighter note, my last birding trip to Langkawi was many years
back and one of my targets back then was the Red-wattled Lapwing. Unbelievable
as it may seem, there was a time when this tropical island paradise was the
only place where you are most likely to see one. So, seeing them here again
brought back sweet memories of my first ever Red-wattled Lapwing. In a small
way it did help ease the disappointment.
Among the Red-wattled Lapwings was a lone Grey-headed Lapwing – another
species that used to be rare in my home state of Penang.

With the obsession for the owl starting to lose its grip on us, we were
then able to appreciate the other bird species found at the locality. The bird
life here is quite diverse and this site would be the type of location I will
frequently explore during the migratory season if it was located in Penang. The
majestic White-bellied Sea-eagle is common here which comes as no surprise.
This striking adult bird flew literally overhead and turned out to be the
only predatory bird to make its way into my memory card. The Short-eared Owl
was another painful miss. The twitch for the owl, however, was an experience. The
packed ferry shuttle service to the island, the frantic acquisition for a
rented car, a mega rarity at stake and a whirlwind of emotional conditions made
it a memorable one in the end as it reminisces those hardcore twitching
endeavours of British birders. On this rare occasion, it was the experience and
not the bird that made a lasting impression.